4. Application development

Apart from the G4Sipm sample simulation, G4Sipm can be easily integrated into existing projects. This guide explains how to incorporate G4Sipm and use it as a library.

It will be assumed that your project also uses Geant4 and the CMake build system with separate source and build directory.

4.1. Create a git submodule

Create a directory inside your source directory:

$ mkdir externals/g4sipm

Create a git submodule with:

$ git add submodule ssh://forge.physik.rwth-aachen.de/git/g4sipm.git externals/g4sipm

Initialize and update to the latest version:

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

4.2. Add G4Sipm to your CMakeLists.txt

To enable the building of G4Sipm add the following lines to the CMakeLists.txt of your project:


If you wish to include the export of the simulation data of the sample simulation in your build process, add the following lines:

set(LIBS ${LIBS} boost_program_options g4sipm g4sipm_sample boost_date_time jansson)

Now, link the G4Sipm library to your project by extending the target_link_libraries command of your executable:

target_link_libraries(target-name g4sipm boost_date_time jansson [other-libraries])

and with the sample simulation library:

target_link_libraries(target-name g4sipm g4sipm_sample boost_program_options boost_date_time jansson [other-libraries])

4.3. Creation of SiPMs

New SiPMs can be created and placed in your G4VUserDetectorConstruction:

G4Sipm* sipm = new G4Sipm(g4sipmModel);

This creates a bare silicon chip without a window. The chip can be placed in a package represented by the G4SipmHousing:

new G4SipmHousing(sipm);

The G4Sipm class automatically creates the :cpp:class`G4SipmSensitiveDetector`, the :cpp:class`G4SipmDigitizer` and the G4SipmVoltageTraceDigitizer and registers the instances to Geant4.

4.4. Digitization

Digitization is not automatically performed by Geant4. The following snippet can be used to execute all registered digitizers in your G4UserEventAction:

G4DCtable* dcTable = digiManager->GetDCtable();
for (int i = 0; i < dcTable->entries(); i++) {
   G4String dmName = dcTable->GetDMname(i);
   G4VDigitizerModule* dm = digiManager->FindDigitizerModule(dmName);
   if (dm) {