3.12. G4Sipm cell fire controller

The cell fire controller is a container which holds the points in time of the last breakdown all SiPM cells. Thus, the cell fire controller can compute the current gain of the cell and can decide whether the cell can break down or not.

The dead time check can be enabled/disable by a macro command:

/g4sipm/filter/timing 1

3.12.1. Source

class G4SipmCellFireController

Encapsulates the cell firing mechanism.

Should be recreated for each run.

Subclassed by G4SipmEffectiveOvervoltageCellFireController

Public Functions

G4SipmCellFireController(G4SipmModel *model, double t0 = 0.)


  • model: - the underlying SiPM model.
  • t0: - the initial time of all SiPM cells.

bool fire(G4SipmDigi *d)

Checks whether the trigger can be successfully made or not.

bool - true if the trigger could be fired, false if not.
  • d: - the cell trigger digi.