3.11. G4Sipm voltage trace digitizer

The voltage trace digitizer uses the G4SipmDigiCollection and the G4SipmVoltageTraceModel to create the voltage trace of the SiPM.

The digitizaton can be enabled/disabled by a macro command:

/g4sipm/digitize/trace 1

The digitization of the hits has to be enabled.

Please also refer to the Geant4 digitization documentation.

3.11.1. G4Sipm voltage trace digi collection

The voltage traces are saved as G4SipmVoltageTraceDigi in a G4SipmVoltageTraceDigiCollection. Each G4SipmVoltageTraceDigiCollection is uniquely identified by the G4SipmId. Thus, given the id is zero:

g4sipmVoltageTraceDigis-0 Source

class G4SipmVoltageTraceDigitizer

Digitizer module converting the list of cell triggers (G4SipmDigi) into a single voltage trace (G4SipmVoltageTraceDigi).

Inherits from G4VDigitizerModule

Public Functions

G4SipmVoltageTraceDigitizer(G4Sipm *sipm)


Registers itself to Geant4.

  • sipm: - the SiPM instance.

const G4SipmDigiCollection *getDigiCollection()

G4SipmDigiCollection - the digi collection.

G4Sipm *getSipm() const

G4Sipm - the SiPM instance.